SIRDS and Qubits
In many cases there are very similar behaviours to quantum effects
which are based less in physical processes and more in terms
of the information communicated. SIRDS or random dot stereograms,
optical illusions, and Simpson's Paradox, are examples which display
complementarity dualism and to some extent, the collapse of a
virtual representation into a more real and measureable one.
Take for instance SIRDS (Single image random dot stereograms)
where a pixel has alot of similarity with a qubit in the sense
that it is representing the virtual superposition of two points
on a virtual 3d object using a real 2D projection.
A qubit in a similar manner represents a superposition
in "a higher dimensional virtual space" like the SIRD
pixel (that the quantum superposition is not "measureable"
like a superposition of radio waves of different frequencies, is
what seems to differentiate it from more classical ideas of
superpositions which can be parametrized into more than one
Can we say for instance that the perceived 3D image of a SIRD
is an analog of quantum superposition and the collapse of that
higher dimension into the lower 2D perception is analgous
to wavefunction collapse ? The 3D image is virtual and "observed"
dynamically while the 2D image is real and "measureable"
SIRTS are Single Image Random Text Stereograms, and seem amazing
in terms of the small amount of text needed to produce a IMO,
rather stunning higher dimensional image:
Simple optical illusions also can divide observers subjectively
if two observers disagree on what they see, even though we
understand the nature of that difference to some extent, the
question of reproducibility of this kind of physical _observation_
has none-the-less become problematic since in this case, the
physical image has two "valid" and complementary interpretations ?:
Optical Illusions
Another case where observer's are divided on "how they ask
a question" rather than "how they view an answer" is more
quantifiable and yet still may yield two "valid" yet
complementary results for the same data:
Simpson's Paradox
Polarization tagging in SIRDS:
In a linearly produced SIRDS the rotation of the SIRDS 90 degrees destroys the
interference pattern in the same manner as crossing polarizers in Young's experiment
with photon tagging (polarizer over each slit).
Space-time pointers:
Wavefunctions are temporal pointers which are necessarily probabilistics
when dealing with the future since your are pointing to an unknown tangible
in the future.
Geometric-phase (spatial wavefunctions) address spatial pointers in
the same manner as memory pointers in classical computers. Spatial
tunneling is the passing of a spatial pointer. Temporal tunneling is
the passing of a temporal pointer. Space-time tunneling is the passing
of a space-time pointer.